Mansbridge Primary School  



Mansbridge Clean Sweep

World Book Day - 2nd March

SEND Inspection

February Newsletter

PE Kit reminder


Food week - KS1   KS2


Weather alert

January Newsletter

Healthier together

Safer Schools and Professional Partners Newsletter

Mansbridge gets Running

Reading Tips

Y6 SATS results

Minecraft - parents guide


Check out the e-safety page for information about how to keep your child safe online


É Note: We now accept payments online.  Click the 'Internet Payments for Parents' link at the foot of each page to access:

Breakfast Club spaces available (£2 per day)
Telephone to book a place on 8055 6691

We get our water coolers from AquAid
Helping donate over £6 million to Christian Aid & The Africa Trust

Online payments from Tucasi                 
  School logo School logoHead Teacher: Mark Sheehan
Mansbridge Primary School, Octavia Road, Mansbridge, Southampton SO18 2LX
Tel: 023 8055 6691    |    Email: