Mansbridge Primary School  

Governing Body

Mr G Stone Chair, Safeguarding
Mrs D Houghton Vice Chair, Chair Pay & Personnel
Mrs J Vance Training Liaison
Mrs E Bricchi Chair of Finance & Premise
Mrs J Braithwaite SEN
Miss C Stringer  
Miss A Davies
Mr G Evans
Mr M Sheehan Headteacher
Mrs E Brewerton Clerk


Mansbridge Primary School Governing Body, is made up of representatives of parents, teachers & staff, the local community, and Local Education Authority,.

 We are involved in the strategic management of the school, supporting the Headteacher and staff.

 The Governors are responsible for    

·         establishing the vision for the school,

·         ensuring a high standard of achievement for all pupils,

·         supporting staff in day to day delivery.

·         setting the school budget to match priorities

·         overseeing the maintenance of the school buildings.

 Our aim is to help provide the best possible education for the children at the school.

 We have regular Full Governing Body meetings. The minutes of these meetings are available through the office. We undertake regular training to keep up to date with new legislation and ideas.

 In addition, we have a number of working committees which also meet regularly. 

 If you would like to get in touch with us you can do so via the school office, or via email to

Click here to see a report of Governors' Terms and Pecuniary Interests

Click here to see Governor attendance for 2015-16 meetings

Online payments from Tucasi                 
  School logo School logoHead Teacher: Mark Sheehan
Mansbridge Primary School, Octavia Road, Mansbridge, Southampton SO18 2LX
Tel: 023 8055 6691    |    Email: